A home doesn’t come together overnight. You may start out with hand-me-down furniture, and slowly incorporate pieces you love as you’re able to. Or maybe you find an amazing vintage dining set that is perfectly you, and so you incorporate it into several different looks that speak to your changing taste over time. That’s how my home has evolved, and likely yours as well.
The MiY series follows one piece of furniture through several different designs. In the past, I’ve shown one item through five stages. Moving forward, I’ll only be showing three looks instead. I think it’s more realistic, and the shorter series length will allow me to do them more often and with a greater variety of items.
This eighth edition features a very expensive leather chesterfield. Before you react with a visceral “OMG, it’s $6000,” keep in mind that this series is meant to be taken as a jumping off point, with concepts that you can use in your own home. My friend, Jules, has a similar sofa, and I assure you that she did not spend anywhere near that amount when she bought it off of Craigslist. Perhaps you don’t like leather at all, and in that case you should feel free to imagine these looks with a tufted fabric sofa. Either way, I hope you enjoy the series! It will start with a very masculine look…
© 2012, published by Making it Lovely as Making it Yours 8: Leather Chesterfield | 29 comments | affiliate links may be used in posts